
Senin, 24 Oktober 2011


<title> Homepage</title>
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<p align="center"><font face="kristen itc" color="red" size="7"><blink>"My Quote"</blink></font>
<font face="kristen itc" size="3">
<li><font color="yellow">I feared being alone until I learned
<br>to like myself.<font>
<br><li><font color="green">I feared failure until I realized
<br>that I only fail when I don't try.<font>
<br><li><font color="orange">I feared success until I realized
<br>that I had to try in order to be happy
<br> with myself.<font>
<br><li><font color="skyblue">I feared people's opinions until
<br>I learned that people would have
<br>opinions about me anyway.<font>
<br><li><font color="red">I feared to rejection until
<br>I learned to have faith in myself.<font>
<br><li><font color="brown">I feared pain until I learned that
<br> it's necessary for growth.<font>
<br><li><font color="orange">I feared life until I experienced
<br>its beauty.<font>
<br><li><font color="purple">I feared death until I realized
<br>that it's not an end,but a beginning.<font>
<br><li><font color="yellow"I feared my destiny, until I
<br>realized that I had the power to
<br>change my life.<font>
<br><li><font color="green">I feared hate until I saw that
<br>it was nothing more than ignorance.<font>
<br><li><font color="red"I feared love until it touched my
<br> heart, making the darkness fade into
<br> endless sunny days.<font>
<br><li><font color="white">I feared ridicule until I learned
<br> how to laugh at myself.<font>
<br><li><font color="black">I feared growing old until I
<br>realized that I gained wisdom everyday.<font>
<br><li><font color="yellow">I feared the future until I
<br>realized that life just kept getting better.<font>
<br><li><font color="red">I feared the past until I realized
<br> that it cuold no longer hurt me.<font>
<br><li><font color="yellow">I feared the dark until I saw the
<br> beauty of the starlight.<font>
<br><li><font color="purple">I feared the light until I learned
<br>that the truth wuold give me strength.<font>
<br><li><font color="green">I feared change until I saw thet
<br> even the most beautiful butterfly had
<br> to undergo a metamorphosis before it
<br>could fly.... :D<font>
<br><h2><font color="yellow"><blink>THANK'S FOR READ</blink><font></h2>

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